a division of Dorough Resources, LLC




Energy Accounting

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Energy Accounting

Recording, Tracking, Reporting

Energy Accounting is a process for recording, tracking and reporting the amount and costs of the various consumable utilities used by commercial-scale facilities.  It involves the establishment of a database for storing historical information on:

Electrical Demand
Natural Gas
Other Fuels
Water (optional)
Sewer (optional)
Solid Waste (optional)

Tracking the use of these utility commodities is essential to their effective management.  You cannot manage what you cannot measure.  An Energy Accounting system can assist Facilities Management in exposing excessive costs and opportunities for saving money:

Find billing errors
Account for usage
Spot cost trends
Track cost & usage fluctuations
Allow comparisons - particularly for multi-site facilities - account for variations against indices such as weather and occupancy
Establish utilities budgets quickly and efficiently
Provide a basis for troubleshooting high usage/costs
Justify capital expenditures

Specialized Energy Accounting software is typically employed to develop the historical utilities database and provide the essential analytical tools.  The software comes in varying levels of sophistication depending on the end-users needs.  Basic features include:

Data entry macros for automation and speed in entering periodic
utility billing information
Importing capability for electronic billing data
Graphical reporting features including trending
Tabular reporting features including indexing
Exporting capability for pasting reports into spreadsheets
Utilities budget development with projected utility rate increases

More advanced features of Energy Accounting software can include:

Intranet or Internet Server-based capability
Allows use of sub-metered building utility information and/or 
15-minute interval data
Incorporation of Real-Time metering
Chart interval data collected through meters or data recorders
Profiling of energy consumption at any point in time for any piece of equipment, section of building, entire building or group of buildings
Integration of utility billing management between Accounts Payable 
and Facilities Management functions
Compare different rate scenarios

DRS ENERGY MANAGEMENT provides database construction, maintenance and training services in support of clients' facility management needs for comprehensive Energy Accounting and Utility Resource Management.  We work primarily with the software developed by Save More Resources, Inc, including Utility Manager 4.0 and Z-Power.  For more information on how we can help you with your Energy Accounting needs, please call us at 360-671-9390.



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