a division of Dorough Resources, LLC




Work Plan Development

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Work Plan Development
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Effective Project Management

DRS ENERGY MANAGEMENT has extensive experience in the development of step-by-step work procedures plans for projects involving electrical and mechanical systems improvements to critical environments.  

Large data centers, commonly known as "server farms", are facilities that must be on-line 24 hours a day, seven days a week.  The growth of the Internet has coincided with an ever increasing demand for additional server capacity in these facilities.  New server loads subsequently require the addition of sophisticated routing, switchgear, power conditioning and back-up power supply equipment along with enhanced environmental conditioning and control.  Reliability is essential as millions of dollars worth of information is handled by these facilities every minute.

All server farm system upgrades must take place while the facility is fully on-line.  Nothing in the execution of any installation or commissioning work can jeopardize its operation. Unforeseen events like utility power outages must be anticipated in advance with clear procedural action plans in place to protect the facility's integrity. For each work procedure, possible risks must be assessed and a mitigating action determined, both for human safety and facility protection. Contingencies must be developed for the possibility that a mitigating action cannot be successfully carried out.

All project personnel, including contractors, engineers, facility managers, etc., are involved in the development of the sequential procedures.  With the development of the draft plan, the project team then meets to discuss the procedures and work out any errors or discrepancies.  With the finalization of the work plan, a procedures document is published, distributed and a "walk-through" is conducted to ensure that the project can be flawlessly executed.  The published plan then becomes the formal guide that all involved personnel are responsible for following.

Key Benefits of Work Procedures Plans

Minimization of procedural errors and other risks that could adversely affect stability of the critical environment
Minimization of potential cost overruns
Maximization of project efficiency
Maximizes communication amongst project personnel

Due to the highly confidential nature of this work, sample Work Procedure Plans cannot be posted here.  Should you have questions about our Work Plan Development service, please call us at 360-671-9390 for more information.




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