a division of Dorough Resources, LLC




Energy Auditing

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Energy Auditing
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Systematic Analysis of Building Energy Use

An energy audit is the quantitative analyses - derived from accepted engineering practices, including sophisticated energy modeling or building simulation - of facility end-use energy consumption and costs.  The purpose of the audit is to identify and implement energy efficiency, renewable energy, and, if appropriate, water conservation measures. The audit team assists with key aspects of energy management such as arranging for and conducting the building audit, identifying technologies for cost-effective retrofits, reviewing funding alternatives, and helping develop monitoring strategies.  

An example of Energy Auditing that DRS ENERGY MANAGEMENTconducts is that of the US DOE FEMP SAVEnergy Program.  This comprehensive audit surveys the condition and operation of federal buildings and their systems, including the building envelope and all energy-consuming equipment. Energy use in these facilities is assessed, cost-effective energy conservation measures are identified and operation and maintenance recommendations are provided. A water conservation screening, using Watergy water screening software, is provided. A Renewable Energy Screening, using the Federal Renewable Energy Screening Assistant software (FRESA), is also featured in the energy conservation report provided.

The above audit process is a comprehensive one that can include the use of energy modeling or building computer simulations.  These simulations involve use of sophisticated software programs such as DOE-2, eQUEST, EnergyPlus, EZSim, etc., that analyze energy use within a building through accepted engineering load and weather calculations.  Utility data is used to corroborate a simulation's results and  accurate predictions for energy savings strategies can then be determined through the modeling process.

Key Benefits of Energy Auditing

Accurate estimates of the economic viability for architectural, electrical and mechanical improvements are determined
Action plans developed and alternative funding sources identified encourage follow- through with the efficiency improvements identified
Utility cost tracking and budgeting is facilitated on an on-going basis through development of an Energy Accounting system.

In April of 2001, DRS ENERGY MANAGEMENTworked as a subcontractor to BRACO Resource Services of Seattle, Washington, to conduct DOE FEMP SAVEnergy audits at various National Park Service sites in the central region.  One was a National Historic Site  that presented a very cost-effective opportunity for energy savings through commissioning, an opportunity that was analyzed and thoroughly discussed in the SAVEnergy report that Dorough Resources developed for BRACO.  

Click on the following link to view a portion of the report that was developed for this facility.  Due to confidentiality requirements, references to the site and personnel have been deleted, however, this report is typical of the type of detailed information compiled for all federal site SAVEnergy projects.  The document is in a Rich Text Format ("*.rft") and requires Microsoft Word or compatible program in order to open and view it.

Sample SAVEnergy Report



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